Friday 12 September 2014

DMBLGIT : the win·ners!

There were so many wonderful photos entered in the October round of Does My Blog Look Good In This! The standard of photography was incredibly high ; we all enjoyed the task of judging. We decided on 3 categories : Aesthetics, Originality and Edibility as well as an Overall Winner.

Without further ado the winners of DMBLGIT October 2006 are :

AestheticsChile Powder by Lisa of Homesick Texan using a Nikon D200 with a 55mm macro lens.

Pomegranate and peach sorbets in mini meringue baskets by Anita of Dessert First using a Canon IXUS 55.

Caramel Apple Cake by Peabody of Culinary Concoctions by Peabody using a Nikon Coolpix 4600.

Overall winner
Dan Dan Noodles by Jenny of The Omnivorous Egg using a Kodak DX4530.

Thank you to everyone who entered, the judges, Bron, Bea and Mike, and Matt who has once again supplied the logo trophies for the winners to proudly show on their blogs!

Congratulations Jenny, Lisa, Anita and Peabody, please collect your trophies :


Ilva said...

Thanks Emma for hosting it all! You've made a great job and I love the winning photos, they are very good and I have discovered new food blogs as well!

Anonymous said...

The winning photos, as always, are so fabulous! Thanks for hosting, Emma, and thanks to the judging team for your review.

The Inadvertent Gardener

Anonymous said...

I can't again...and in the same category! At least I know that people want to eat my food :)
Thanks again for hosting.

Anonymous said...

I mean to say, I can't believe again.

Bonnie said...

Congratulations to every one! Great job! and such great photos!!

Lisa Fain (Homesick Texan) said...

Wow! What a cool thing to wake up to on this lovely Sunday morning. Thank you Emma, Bea, Bron, Mike and Matt. I'm honored to be in such delicious-looking company!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a nice surprise! Thanks, Emma, for hosting, and Bea, Bron, Mike, and Matt.

Veron said...

Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks emma for hosting. The pictures looks so good and edible!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting, Emma - I'm very flattered to have been picked along with those other fabulous-looking winners!

Anonymous said...

You made the judging very easy Emma with great organization. A big thank to you!


Julie said...

Great job hosting, Emma. The winners look great--congrats to all!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Where is the next DMBLGIT being hosted?

Anonymous said...

congrats to the winner! good choices too.

Rachael Narins said...

As always, so many beautiful photos...

Excellent choices for winners too. That chile powder in particular is just glorious...

Thanks for the awesome round up (LOVED the photo collage with links) and judging.

Emma said...

All the photos were brilliant! Thanks for all your comments. I look forward to my next turn at hosting DMBLGIT. Such a great way to discover so many talented people with so many wonderful blogs!

Anonymous said...

Impressive work from all the competitors. I am impressed.
My two favorites from flickr are still Bea aka "la tartine gourmande" of course and speedm. See thier flickr, you'll lick your screen

Anonymous said...

I have no idea this thing happens! the pictures look really GREAT!

Angel17 said...

Nice photo. You did nice plating designs and also I want to learn to make chili powder. Since I something spicy in my foods. cary nc windshield repair