Friday, 12 September 2014

ku·ma·ra and chick·pea frit·ters

Last night we had baked kumara with steak and an awesome brussel sprout and cavalo nero dish as recommended specified by our fried Rachel.  However since I had decided to bake all the kumara in our possession so we could have them later there were 3 left.  I knew this wouldn't be a problem!  So tonight, with nothing much else left in the fridge we conjured up some fritters!  Hooray!  Past pie, nothing is better than a fritter.

Kumara and chickpea fritters
serves 3

Left over baked kumara, perhaps 3
1/4 cup grated parmesan
1 tablespoon flour
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
1 400g can drained chickpeas
sal and pepper

1 comment:

Angel17 said...

I had never seen this kind of food. I think this is so delicious.