Supporting Menu for Hope is a small way for you to help those less fortunate.
I am proud to offer a $100 gift voucher to Truffle, Wellington, New Zealand, very generously donated by John and his team, to tempt you, and encourage you, to support Menu for Hope :

Raffle tickets are purchased online at First Giving, an online fund raising company. All ticket monies are collected by First Giving on behalf of Menu For Hope. Each prize has a unique number which should be included in the 'Personal Message' section at the First Giving site when you purchase your tickets and make your donation.
The code for this fabulous Truffle voucher is AP07, be sure to include this in the 'Personal Message' section as you donate at First Giving. Each ticket in the raffle is $10 - quite a bargin for a $NZ100 voucher - so buy a few!
There are many fantastic prizes offered by Food Bloggers for Menu for Hope III, details for which can be found on these Blogs :
Chez Pim - The full round-up of prizes worldwide.
Grab Your Fork -Asia Pacific/Australia/New Zealand.
Davidlebovitz.com - Europe and UK.
The Cooking Diva - Latin America.
Cardamom Addict - Canada.
Becks and Posh - US West Coast.
The Amateur Gourmet - US East Coast.
Kalyn's Kitchen - US (the rest).
Details for this prize :
Prize : $100 voucher for Truffle
How to purchase a ticket to support Menu for Hope III :
1. Go to the donation page at First Giving (http://www.firstgiving.com/menuforhopeIII)
2. Make a donation, each $US10 will give you one raffle ticket toward a prize of your choice. Please specify which prize or prizes you'd like in the 'Personal Message' section in the donation form when confirming your donation. Do tell us how many tickets per prize, and please use the prize code -for example, a donation of $50 can be 3 tickets for AP07 and 2 for AP14.
3. For US donors, if your company has agreed to match your charity donation, please remember to check the box and fill in the information so we may claim the corporate match.
4. Please also check the box to allow us to see your email address so that we could contact you in case you win. Your email address will not be shared with anyone.
5. Check back on Chez Pim on January 15 when we announce the results of the raffle. (The drawing will be done electronically. Our friend the code wizard Derrick at Obsession with Food is responsible for the wicked application that will do the job.)
Nice prize Emma. I'm tempted. I had set my heart on Tetsuya's but the competition looks high for that one...and then there are the airfares to pay for! It makes sense for us to support our own countries.
So I have bought a ticket in each of our prizes and one for Tetsuya's!
barbara, good on you!! if i am in indonesia, i would like to do the same as we do here a well as promoting indonesian tourism, food and cultures. unfortunately i haven't found such gift given by any fellow bloggers in indonesia.
emma, if i'm a free bird, i'd like to compete with that one you offer. it's a wonderful getaway for chritmas i suppose. great job!
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