Friday, 20 July 2007

it is spelt b-r-e-a-d

and also made from spelt flour.

I love to try out new ingredients, and in the case of spelt flour, old ingredients that are new to me. I knew that spelt was the ancient form of wheat, was higher in protein and is more easily digested than regular wheat.

I was so happy to find that bread made with spelt was even better tasting and feeling than bread made with regular unbleached stoneground flour. It some how tastes breadier - I am sure that can't make sense! I was worried that it would be heavy and dense, but I was very plesantly surprised to find it was lighter than my usual loaf.

Obviously I need to try emmer wheat next . . .
Spelt bread
makes 1 loaf

2 teaspoons fresh yeast
1 teaspoon honey
~1.5 cups lukewarm water
~4 cups white spelt flour
1 heaped teaspoon salt

Dissolve the yeast and honey in half a cup of water and leave until it begins to froth. Add 3 and a half cups of flour, the rest of the water and the salt and knead to a dough. Leave to rest for 10 minutes then continue kneading, adding more flour or water as required to make a soft silky dough. Cover with a damp tea towel and leave to double in size, approximately 1 hour. Punch down, form into a loaf and cover again with a damp tea towel and leave for half an hour. Preheat the oven with a baking stone to 230°c.
Bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until the loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Leave to cool for at least 20 minutes.


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Your bread looks delicious with it's fluffy inside!

Cuoche dell'altro mondo said...

Hi Emma,
I am working on breads as well! I will try your recipe for sure !

Emma said...

Thanks Rosa and Marina, I am still enamored of spelt flour, made some brilliant biscuits today and will make G's birthday cake with it this week. Looking forward to seeing how it performs.

Z* said...

Just discovered your site after I've been experimenting with Spelt bread recipes, want to make mine a bit lighter so this looks great. Also happy to see you decided to use it for naan I will def be trying that this evening with the curry.