Monday, 31 December 2007

So what is this all a·bout?

A new year and a new look seemed to warrant me thinking out loud upon what The Laughing Gastronome is all about :
  • I love food : I love to eat food, I love to cook food, I love to plan for food, I love to shop for food, I love to learn about food.
  • I want to be in aware of exactly what is within the food I eat and of what I give my family and friends to eat.
  • I need to know how make certain foods from scratch so should I wish to prepare them, or to judge a purchased version, I am able.
  • I want to know how to grow the foods I can with my limited resources.
  • I really care about reusing, recycling and reducing, and I am finding more and more ways to do these things.
  • I love cook books ; for inspiration, instruction and just to while away some time.
  • I love to eat seasonally ; there is nothing like the last feijoa or the first asparagus.
  • I love to learn a new technique, or to practice an old one. Sometimes the more difficult the better and sometimes the wonder is in the simplicity.
  • I value the right tool for the job, but have no space for the one time wonders.
  • I love finding a brilliant product or ingredient, new or old, that makes me wonder how I could live without it.
  • I love the preparation tips and food tricks that are shared among interested friends.
These are some of the areas that are to be explored on The Laughing Gastronome in 2008 - I hope you enjoy visiting.

Happy new year!


Anonymous said...

I'm probably going to do a cull of my cookbook collection in the next couple of months if you're interested in acquiring a few more cookbooks...

p.s. am in Wellington (:

Unknown said...

Excellent. Good to know that you haven't abandoned your blog. It has been a tad slow since you went on your holiday.

Emma said...

Christine - well definitely interested! Do you want to email what you have?

Thrash - Thanks so much! It is so hard to get back into it after a break - but the New Year seemed like a good time - I am full of enthusiasm and idea.

Nigel Olsen said...

Brilliant! Look forward to seeing your material, Emma!