There is something about dried fruit in things that just doesn't always seem right to me. A lot of things, like rice pudding and bread and butter pudding, seem to have raisins or their like added just for the sake of it - a gratuitous fruity embellishment - the ruin of something that was so much better plain.
Squashed fly biscuits are supposed to have currents, it is their reason for being, like a flat Eccles cake.
But then again I am not a mixer, if you know what I mean. I like to eat things separately from my plate, no squashing a bit of this and a bit of that onto my fork. If that was the intention of the meal then it would have been presented that way in the first place. Some might call me strange, I can live with that.
Bought squashed fly biscuits come in sheets of several biscuits that you are supposed to break in to separate items before eating . . . I tried to do this, and marked them out accordingly, but they kept merging into one as they cooked, oh well, there will be another time!
Squashed fly biscuits
makes a dozen
35g butter, melted and cooled
45g icing sugar
45g flour
1 egg white, lightly beaten with a fork
a small pinch of salt
100g currents
Sieve the flour and icing sugar and salt into a bowl, mix in the butter, then the egg white and finally the currents. Wrap in plastic and rest in the fridge for at least an hour. Roll out to a rectangle 5mm thick and then mark into 12 pieces. move the biscuits apart slightly then rest in the fridge for 30 minutes while the oven preheats to 180°c. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden, but not too dark. Cool and eat, one by one of course!
Emma, I don't call it strange, but it's just a way to enjoy something you eat. I one day ever came across this kind of recipe you posted. Was too lazy to mix, a for would do the job. And I made batches of almond meal cookies. gluten-free. Sarah had appreciated much. good job, fork.
dear Emma
We like the look of your squished fly biscuits but how did you catch all those flies?
Yours truely Alee Gee Lauree & Tee
I've never heard of calling these bikkies "squished fly biscuits", however we always called fruit mince slice pastries "fly cemetery" and vegemite has always been "stewed ants".
Trust you had a FAB Xmas and New year!!
Arfi - I am glad you don't think I am that strange! Each to their own, right?!
Alee Gee Lauree & Tee - it was hard work, but nothing an old tennis raquet couldn't do!
Bron - I love the stewed ants thing! Can you eat vegemite now?!
My god - my nana used to make these for my brother & me when she babysat us on Fridays after school. The memories come flooding back! Lamingtons, melting moments & these - we loved them! Ta muchly for the recipe, Emma.
LOL, squashed fly biccies!! My dad always loved these, now he has to eat gluten free - can you give me some tips to make a decent gluten free squashed fly delicacy?
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