Saturday, 23 September 2006

a springtime menu

A springtime menu, for when you want to take advantage of the new season's offerings!

Steamed spring vegetables tossed with olive oil and lemon juice, served with crusty bread.
Lightly steam a selection of cleaned and trimmed spring vegetables, perhaps baby carrots, zucchini, and leeks. Drain and toss gently and lightly with olive oil, then a wee bit of lemon juice. Serve with crusty bread to mop up the juices.

Lemon and herb chicken with couscous and salad.
Slice chicken breasts horizontally to make thin escalopes then marinate in olive oil, lemon juice and chopped fresh herbs. Preheat a griddle. Prepare some couscous using chicken stock, salt and pepper, and fresh chopped herbs. Cook the chicken and serve on the couscous with a salad on the side.

Orange biscuits.
Use your favourite recipe for orange biscuits. Don't have one? Here's a suggestion!

A new season's New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.
A fresh New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc to accent the fresh and herbacous spring flavours, will go nicely with both the entrée and main. Serve a desert wine or some coffee with the dessert.

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